Can I get Covid from someone’s lingering cough?

Hi I went to visit my father yesterday and he has finished his 14 day quarantine for Covid-19. However, he had a lingering cough that sounded pretty nasty. I’ve heard you’re not contagious after 10 days but does that still apply if you have a cough?

A Hunch2021-03-03T16:58:28Z

Favorite Answer

Yes, it means that you no longer have the capabilities to transmit the virus to others regardless if you are breathing, sneezing, coughing or any other method of transmission. 


The person might not be contagious for covid but that doesn't mean he's not contagious for the flu or the cold or pneumonia!


If he has gone the 2 weeks he is no longer contagious. He may still have symptoms (cough) but that is his body just dealing with the effects of the virus after it is gone