New Jim Crow era voting laws????? Voter suppression??
I am over democrats claiming that requiring voter is is suppression...
Question, have people ever picked up a controlled substance, cigarettes, alcohol? Have they ever seen a doctor? Do they have access to a phone or have family , a friend or a neighbor who does? Have medical insurance or Medicaid? Receive or send mail, been to any type of store, or a television which provides 1-800 numbers ( if any of these numbers were called no matter what they are for could get them where they need to go )?
Unless a person lives somewhere without any type of communication or human contact and answered yes to one of these questions then they have the ability and access to a legal ID that will allow them to vote legally in the United States. Free transportation are funded by the government. Cost for an ID are either distributed through great assistance programs or a local organization where a person live.
I read that Stacey Abrams said that in long lines food and water were not allowed to be given out because of the pandemic. If food pantries are allowed to distribute food, I would think that they could distribute snacks and water in voting precincts and would be donated before elections by people who want to make it possible for every citizen to vote.
Any other reason? Nothing nothing I have written is racist in any way. There are poor underprivileged in every race of people and people of every race that are willing to help and assist. Now what??
If a person is a legal citizen of the United States and legally allowed to vote then no law should be able to prevent a person to vote. If they aren’t, no law should ever allow a person to vote
Little Princess my perception exactly. Democrats are saying exact what the white people interviewed are saying. Stacy Abrams and those insisting that there is voter suppression need to talk the people from Harlem or minorities need to tell them to quit making them sound like incompetent idiots Thank you I never saw that