What happens to the wicked men who don't repent but when they come to old age are not able to do it?


"when they come to old age are not able to do it?"
They get a prescription for viagra. 
It brings the smile back to their faces. 


Potentially , while we're in this probationary period, there's always the possibility of changing, but change takes time.
 The reality though is that due to this process, what we think becomes our actions, and our actions become our habits, and our habits become our character, either good or bad, and that is what we are at the end of the day.
 Contrary to what SOME religious people think, and what some claim religious people believe, God is not going to magically change people after they die, neither is he going to make character judgments on any rituals we perform at the last minute or any "magic" phrases we may utter.

Your Word is a light to my roadway2021-03-06T20:16:55Z

What's old age have to do with not being able to repent, you can repent at any age when you obtain knowledge of what is right and wrong, the age of accountability.

No Chance Without Jesus2021-03-06T20:06:15Z

everyone is able, not all are willing


Mind your own business.  If it's something like global warming then it is everybody's business but whether or not someone needs to repent on their deathbed is up to them.  Who gets to decide what "wicked" is?  Personally I think that people who pollute too much are wicked but others seem to think that's normal.

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