What does it mean in scripture that you cannot  "put new wine in old skins?"?

Can someone explain this?


I think it had to do with the wedding at Cana... when Jesus turned the water into wine.


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The Greek word a.skos' designates a bag or bottle made out of a whole animal skin. Jesus Christ said: "Neither do people put new wine into old wineskins, but if they do, then the wineskins burst and the wine spills out and the wineskins are ruined. But people put new wine into new wineskins, and both things are preserved." (Matthew 9:17; Mark 2:22; Luke 5:37,38)
 As new wine ferments, it generates carbon dioxide gas that exerts pressure on the skin bottles. New skins expand; old, inflexible ones burst under the pressure.
This illustration was part of Jesus' answer as to why his disciples did not conform to all the old customs and practices of the Pharisees. Jesus evidently implied that the truth of Christianity was too powerful and energetic to be retained by the old system of Judaism, which lacked vitality and elasticity and which was fast passing away. (Matthew 9: 14-16)


It means that when Christ fulfilled Rev. 14:6, the everlasting gospel of Christ being restored to the Earth in the last days by angelic ministry, he had to create a new church rather than reform an old one. 


the skins in old times would stretch when filled with wine. if an old pouch was used for new wine it would burst the seems and ruin the wine. Thanks for the question.

Pearl L2021-03-09T01:38:35Z

to try and fix what you were doing before that didnt work


Wine was stored in goat skins, which would stretch with the fermentation process. making the skins no longer suitable for wine storage later, as the stretch limit was reached, and the skins would break.  Jesus, therefore brought a newness that could not be confined with the old forms.

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