It was given to tell when the messiah would arrive. Thinks in weeks of years. 70 x7=490 years. The word to rebuild rebuild Jerusalem was issued in 455 BCE. 455BCE -490= 29CE. This was the year Jesus was baptized and became the messiah. Further explanation can be found on jw.org
Forrest Toney
700 years from when King Josiah s ish made the decree . till the end of the Jews in 71 AD . the 1 week was from 25 AD TO 35 AD betweenJohn & Peter . Jesus his thing in 30 AD . Send $10 to PO box 14 . Indep. , Missouri 64051 for more
Dates from the time of Ezra. Daniel 9:25-27. 7 weeks = 49 years (7 x 7) Time to rebuild the temple. 62 weeks = 434 years, (62 x 7) plus the previous 49 years = 483 years. (Start building in 457 BC + 483 = AD 26, (Jesus' baptism and ministry begins). v. 27, "Midst of a week = 3.5 Years, (time of Jesus' ministry, ending in AD30.