Hair recovery after malnutrition?

How long would it take for hair to recover/ thicken after a long period of malnutrition. I almost chocked to death at the beginning of 2015. This traumatized me to the point that I had a hard time swallowing solids and liquids and wasn't able to eat much. It wasn't until around the end of 2016 that I got over my fear of swallowing/choking but by then my hair had thinned out a lot. Once I was able to eat normally again I had to move away to college where I wasn't eating as much as I needed to again because I was poor/ didn't know how to cook. So it was another three years of not eating enough but it I was eating slightly more than in 2015. I've now graduated, have a job, and know how to cook more. I've been eaten normally again for the past 8 months after about 5/6 years of malnutrition. I've gained weight and have noticed improvements in my hair. My scalp isn't as visible when I run my fingers through it and I don't shed an unhealthy amount of hair anymore but my hair is still thin. Will my hair keep improving or am I just stuck with thin hair now?
