Why do people criticize Americans who refuse to have a Covid vaccination? They are improving America's gene pool.?


What do you mean "improving the gene-pool"?

Are you suggesting that only people who don't have children yet are getting covid-19 ?


I am suspicious of advice from self-proclaimed medical experts. It's silly to trash 3,000 years of progress in medical care and replace it with advice from anonymous passers-by.  


Consider the facts:
1. There are those who have had Covid once that have contracted it a second time.
2. Covid has several strains many of which are not stopped by the current vaccine.
3. Each and every strain will generate at least three more strains.
Which means the reality is that the medical industry can not keep up with how fast Covid is vaccinating it's self against human interference.
Face it there is actually no real vaccine out there to get vaccinated with. It is a placebo at best.


They aren't improving jack. All they're doing is obstructing America reaching herd immunity and so obstructing America putting the pandemic in the rearview and returning to business as usual. The same idiots who endlessly complain about lifesaving COVID restrictions are the same idiots now standing in the way of those restrictions being lifted by refusing to be vaccinated.


Biden failed to get the shots out...I cannot get one...