Silence the truth speaking opposition. Then you can tell masses your lies unopposed. Is this US today?

You’re a burden2021-03-14T21:52:05Z

Yep. All the leftist totalitarian Dumbocrats


Sadly, yes. Under the guise of "hate speech", and speech that may incite violence.
If the Supreme Court can't even rule on what constitutes pornography, in what world can anyone imagine that CEOs and politicians are qualified to determine what is hate speech?


I don't think anyone has been silenced, so it seems like you're just speaking out of your a$$.

Elwood Blues2021-03-13T13:34:58Z

Is that why Trump called the news media "the enemy of the people"?
Is that why Trump tried to use his presidential powers to cancel TikTok?
Did you think the 1st Amendment applied to private for-profit businesses?
Did you think I could force Hobby Lobby & Chick-fil-A to carry my messages on their websites?


it is certainly the democrats

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