What to think of when it says people are so wicked that you cannot declare repentance repentance?

River Euphrates2021-03-17T19:45:54Z

Favorite Answer

When what says that?

I can't find that quote anywhere.


I think of this quote from H.L. Mencken – "It is a sin to believe in the evil of others, but it is seldom a mistake." Most people, though, have a distorted view of what wickedness and evil is. They gauge it on their own ideas. God, on the other hand, knows the true state of our hearts and minds and only He can declare which individuals are so wicked that they cannot repent. The Bible speaks of such ones as having committed the one, unforgivable sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit.


What to think of? Once again I think of the fact that you need to seriously consider remedial courses in English composition.

No Chance Without Jesus2021-03-17T17:53:21Z

First I am wondering why they used the repentance twice

Then I dismiss them as being wrong

The only thing standing between God and the worst sinner....is the worst sinner