Will a baby make a marriage happy?
If couple are bored is having a kid a way to stay together and also have a friend in the kid in years to come?
If couple are bored is having a kid a way to stay together and also have a friend in the kid in years to come?
Favorite Answer
Having a baby to prevent someone from leaving is risky.
First i would find if not having a child is truly whats causing the boredom. Also, it depends if it is a healthy marriage. Children don't belong in broken marriages where there is hurt or abuse between spouses, whether mental, emotional, verbal, or physical abuse. If both partners are happy together and feel strong enough to raise a child together, then I dont see why they shouldn't have kids.
that is extremely risky
More like the opposite.
Even in a strong and stable marriage, a child adds enormous stress. It's more likely to drive a couple apart than together.
No, Florry. Look how badly it worked for your parents. They raised a VERY "screwed up" child: Remember what you've posted?
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