Want to know which president ACTUALLY oversaw the greatest increase in our national debt in the last 20 years? Look it up, if you dare.?


"Those who ignore the past are certain to repeat it". We don't need any more greedy spendthrifts like our last minority [of votes] president. Our national debt grew faster under Don T. than under any other peacetime president. You can look it up if you really care.


I live right now not in the past....and besides every nation owes money,  in fact it's to me an obvious fact that none of these so called debts will ever be repaid...


It wouldn’t be this bad if trump had taken the virus more seriously. 

Biden is just undoing all the damages that trump has done. Biden wouldn’t have to sign that $1.9 trillion bill if trump had the virus under better control. It wouldn’t have gotten this bad if he wore his mask and told his idiot supporters to wear their masks. The idiot turned it into a political statement. Wear a mask if you’re a democrat. Don’t wear one if you’re a republican. 

How many people were infected under his leadership and how many have died. Look it up, if you dare.