These recent attacks on Asian Americans have been going on since January,,why is media upset now? Why weren't they upset in January? ?

The attacks on on,Asian Americans in California were orchestrated primarily by black attackers, all of a sudden now a white guy did the media is up in,arms there are hashtag movements etc,,why not before?


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They weren't upset in Jan cause it was b lack on Asian crime, they're upset now cause it's finally a White guy, which fits their narrative.


actually, they've been goin on longer than that.... a dozen Asian shopkeepers near my neighborhood were assaulted during the June mostly-peaceful riots... 

as far back as August, the Los Angeles Times ran an article on "The Forgotten Victims" of the riots.... about the number of Asians, mostly elderly, that were still recovering physically and financially from attacks on them and their businesses....

the article, quite ironically, ran on the 5th or 6th page of the "local news" section that's normally reserved for stuff like announcing garden shows and openings of new donut places...


Blacks have always hated Asians.
Didn't Big Mike of Ferguson rough-up an Asian man and steal cigars from his store?
I'm sure that a video will prove me correct.


The media was obsessed with Trump still.


Media is not a person.  It's a collection of different private and public organizations from the far left to the far right.  Stop being lazy and say what you mean. 

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