Have the democrats and main stream media found a new victim class (Asians) to help push their "white supremacy" narrative?
How much more of this can we take? Now for the next 4 years is every single instance of an altercation between a white person and an Asian person going to be exploited by the media? Again, how much more of this can we take?
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Most of the hate crimes against Asians are committed by black males. The black wing media (leftist media) is trying to claim White people are doing it. All black people are trying to do is stir up tension between White people and Asian people.
Just a thought....But people died in Atlanta. It was a slaughter......Rather then go on the attack and make this all about you and your insecurities for being white....Just let people process this
Yeah these democrats for God about the Koreans in Los Angeles during the Rodney King riots were protecting their businesses with guns. And they were actively shooting at the people trying to get into their stores.
Why do you think all Asians have been assaulted by white people? Personally, I think it’s disgraceful and should be reported on, even if it makes you sad 😞
Our "liberal" friends will use both the Easter Bunny AND the Tooth Fairy if that's what it takes to get them more of the two thangs after which they lust the most: MORE power and MORE wealth.
Any other reading of their actions and words completely misses the point. Sad, so sad.