How to change the category?

I asked a question related to chemistry and it went to the category bellow,
Yahoo >ProductsYahoo Mail>Sending and Receiving Messages.
So the probability of getting a good answer is very low.It has been 15 hours and still i didn't get any answer.
I want to know how to change the question category.


click on edit and you can change it 


Go to your Question click on Edit then click Edit Category from there you can Select a New Category for your Question to go In 


Moving your question can be done by clicking Edit (pencil icon for mobile)>Edit category just beneath your question, then selecting the category that's appropriate for the topic


If you post a question go to your question, click 'Edit' and then select 'Edit Category'. You will see a list of categories and can move it where you want it.


Click on "edit" and you will see an option to change the category. You can then select a new category from the menu. I suppose Science & Technology > Chemistry would be the most appropriate category for your question.