Should I lie to my girlfriend about my vote?

I voted for Trump and my new girlfriend is super progressive and anarchist on Twitter, retweets black women and says stuff like "f*** the police."

She asked me who I voted for, and I said Trump, and she threatened to break up with me. I told her I was just kidding and that my vote was "private."


She constantly makes anti-police and anti-systemic racism comments and I often argue like a madman or stay out of her bulls**t by just saying "okay, that's a good point" laughing along. I feel a bit comfortable, but I will introduce her to my family and they're kind of uncomfortable with anti-police and anti-white privilege comments.


Favorite Answer

Politics is something personal which should not be mixed with family affair .Your answer "private" is the best .It avoided a break up . 


I'm not surprised that decent woman wants nothing to do with a Trump supporter.  He is a liar, a racist, a traitor who tried to overthrow the US government.  He fooled millions of people into believing the election was stolen.  He lies twenty times per day, led you to believe he was a good businessman when his is the most spectacularly failed businessman in American history.  He boasts of grabbing pussy and has cheated his way through life.  He hires hookers like Stormy Daniels in the month after his son was born.  If I was your wife I would dump you immediately. 

Ron Akia2021-03-23T21:41:27Z

Grow a pair! Tell her who you voted for and let her know you'd do it again if he runs in 2024. If she dumps you, she's not worth it. Be a man.


If she'd break up with you over voting for Trump, then you shouldn't trust her to stay with you through thick and thin. It'll suck at first, but it's a much better alternative than staying with someone who will love you or hate you based on a political vote. Sounds like you can't really be yourself around her anyways.

Good luck, brother.


You don't have a girlfriend. You have Asperger's instead.

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