What is your opinion of the Democratic Party ?

KAG 20242021-03-24T22:05:54Z

They are incompetent and corrupt.


Two-faced, love to overtax people, not business friendly, want open borders, destroying the American Family, pro abortion, anti legal gun ownership, want illegal beings to become US Citizens, Communist, Socialist, pro gay marriage, anti Law Enforcement, anti Military. Please feel free to add as you like. It is easy because every week the Democrats make the list grow of why not to vote for them. 

Jeff S2021-03-24T21:38:00Z

Too soft on Republicans!

They should be calling out the LIES!

ANDRE L2021-03-24T21:36:36Z

This says it all:

Mitch West, Outdoorsman.2021-03-24T21:27:37Z

I think it is scummy, corrupt and a piece of ****. 

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