What is your opinion of the Nazi Party?

Walter B2021-03-25T00:23:11Z

--  Are you asking about the German Nazi Party or of the many other inaccurately named Nazi parties that exist around the world?
--  Personally I do not like any of those parties or any other political party that have racist and ultra right wing fascist politics, no matter where they are or by what name they use.

Randy Bodandy2021-03-24T21:38:53Z

They are Nazi scum! But please don't make the mistake the racist cons make and think the same applies to the socialist dove Hitler who was a great man every good socialist that longs for the downfall of the American way of life, so in other words every Democrat in 2021, yearns to be like!


It doesn't exist. So I don't care.

ANDRE L2021-03-24T21:29:15Z

It's a shame that they took over the Republican Party.

Not You2021-03-24T21:28:21Z

Gotta say, I don't think those guys are very nice.