What is your opinion of the extreme Right in America ?

People like David Duke and Richard Spencer who believe violence is necessary and moral in order to re-establish America as a White Supremacist nation with strict Conservative traditional values 


Less than 1,000 people are the extreme right in the U.S.!
Why do you focus on these losers that no Republican or Conservative voter has time for?


These people are nobodies. If it wasn't for the left's NEED to keep them around in order to trot them out at every election, they'd have lapsed into obscurity long ago.

By the way, Richard Spencer came out of Occupy Wall Street, hardly an "extrene right wing" organization.


I don’t like extremes in either direction.  I think the best thing that could happen to America is for moderates on both sides to stop catering to the extremes and realize moderate, rational people on both sides have more in common than they do different.  It’s the extremists that cause most of the problems.  


Self-proclaimed white supremacist Richard Spencer organized the alt-right to demonstrate at Charlottesville. Four out-of-state alt-right were convicted of incite to riot indicating conspiracy. Trump's false equivalency set a place for the racists at the rep table. Duke said, that's why we voted for him. I won't ever be on that team. I side w/ equality.


Unfortunately It's the price you pay for freedom of speech