Why do celebrities like to boost their profile by speaking out for lgbt+black lives matter but ?

But you don't hear a peep out of them about disabled people's rights. Is it because its not cool enough? Or is it that they only defend things that are useful to them, perhaps they secretly enjoy being lezzo on the side or having some black c-ck? Just curious. Of course if all for defending these groups too BUT why do they come way way before disabled people? They can talk up for themselves but disabled people can't, so why speak for them so much unless to boost your profile.


They do this because they feel that they must follow the crowd and, if they don't, they might be ostracized by those from whom they might, one day, need a helping hand.  Many of us are being intimidated, these days, to say things that we don't truly believe.  It seems to be a bad thing to have our own opinions (on many things) these days.  I won't 'go down that road', I am allowed to have my own thoughts and opinions and, if the day ever comes when we are not allowed to have those opinions I will want to leave this planet.


do not worry about it...GOD IS JUDGE not us.


Some are paid for such selective outrage
It's easy as people think them as victims forever

The Football God2021-03-25T15:59:03Z

They don’t have to be right, true to who they are, or even accountable. They need popularity. Deep down, most of us want the feel good story, whether it’s right or wrong.


this racism thing has been a stigma on civillization for hundreds of years, all because someone doesn't have this same visual appearence, if you are against that , then sorry but you are clearly a racist, no butts

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