Any thoughts on when covid will end ?

I really want to start dating again, but covid has stopped pretty much all socializing. Talking to people over the phone and zoom isn't the same. You can't kiss a woman on zoom. I haven't dated because I don't want to give my mom (a heart patient) covid. Too risky 

T J2021-03-26T13:57:13Z

I dont think it will ever end, just better controlled with vaccines.


it is ending... well, at least the pandemic is. the covid virus will be around on earth forever. just like the flu virus, and many other virus. it won't go away. but we have a vaccine for it now so we can control it.

as for your dating question, just get the vaccine then. you can still socialize. i don't see people who are having any trouble socializing as the world is going back to normal. 

does your mom not have the vaccine yet? she should have.....

so because you live with your mom, you won't ever date again? please get vaccinated then so we can get over this sooner. seriously tho, if your mom is high risk, she should have already gotten the vaccine and should be safe by now. it will be risky forever as long as you still live with her and you are both unvaccinated. just saying...