why is it a crime to approach voters in line with food and water?


if some old person is thirsty, why can't they get water?


I think because it can be seen as bribery.
People should bring their own water, and eat prior, or have snacks, or wait until after. I drank beer and had a few shots before voting after breakfast lol.

Jeff D2021-03-26T16:53:21Z

Giving anything of value to voters is already illegal per Federal law which states it’s a crime to offer, solicit, or accept any “expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote".  I don't know that many voters would show up to vote for a drink or a snack, but I bet some would.


could be seen as an attempt to buy votes....

would you approve of bankers approaching voters with $100 bills?

what if that person really needed $100?  would it be cruel to deny him?

a hallmark of the democratic "machine" in cities across America has been the "election day picnic"....  democratic party leaders would host cookouts or buffet lunches, complete with beer and raffles where folks could win TVs or other nice items...

following the picnic, the attendees would be loaded onto a bus, handed a list of candidates that "sponsored" their meal and then dropped off at polling places...


Republicans made this law in Georgia, in the hopes that black voters will give up and go home.  People can simply bring their own water, a cooler whatever they need because obviously the lines will be longer due to all the restrictions made up by the loser republicans in hopes of restricting people's right to vote, and they have the nerve to accuse democrats of being unconstitutional.  hah.  what a bunch of creeps please use your head when you vote for representatives next time, lets get rid of the scum of the swamp  that is still left.  voter suppression has always been their goal, because they know and admitted on national tv that it was, stating that this will give them a better chance to defeat the democrats and in so doing democracy as well.  


It doesn't make any sense to me.  In fact, I don't even know why there are such long lines to begin with.  Where I live, I walk to my voting place, vote, and walk home again.  No waiting around involved.  The US is the champion of fast food why can't they do faster voting?  It doesn't make any sense at all.

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