Why was a lawmaker arrested for protesting if everyone has a right to protest?

Georgia state lawmaker arrested protesting voting restriction bill outside governor's office


For knocking on the governors door while he was having a meeting inside, and not ceasing to knock when asked to do so.  She was defending voter's rights, but ended  up facing two felony charges -- felony obstruction and preventing or disrupting general assembly session.


She was disrupting and obstructing an assembly. I’d she had went outside and protested peacefully she would not have been arrested. 


Repukes don't like it publicized that they are restricting voting rights.


The law maker had a Death Wish . He might have been undercover police 
and that's how they remove one of their own from danger .
Danger Mouse will Rule in 2024 


She was banging of the door to the governor's office and demanding to be let in.and refused to stop after being asked to by the Captiol police.

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