How do Trump supporters figure that Trump is in better physical condition than Joe Biden ?

How many pretzels must one twist to convince themselves that Donald Trump is in better condition, both physically and mentally, than Joe Biden. 

It is clear that Trump is a sickly old man who is deteriorating rapidly and Biden is someone who takes his diet, exercise and mental health seriously, 


The Dump people aren't very bright.


Wishful thinking and a desperate need to update their eyeglass prescription


I would venture to say that, for starters, Biden definitely looks older. His appearance is like that of severely old man. My 93 year old grandfather looks similar, if not better, than him lol (although a lot in my family seems to have the youth gene for some reason). Trump, on the other hand, looks like a middle aged man still, shockingly. In fact, he looks so young for his age that CNN literally got upset and dedicated air time to the fact that he was not aging. Sure, you can find bad looking pictures of Trump, but not everyone is photogenic in every picture.