How come people think that my former therapist can file harassment charges for continuing to text them threats?

So I've been extremely frustrated with all that's going on. I'm frustrated and I have no outlet to talk to. I also started a new job this past 2 weeks and it is frustrating me. I don't want to work and I'm being forced to do so. I'm having to work at this stupid grocery store near me called kroger and they give me some of the most crappiest schedules. I have to get up at 5am and be ready for work at 7am. I'm so frustrated about it because I'm a night owl and I like staying up late. I'm not a morning person and I'm being forced to do so. I'm seeing a team of psychiatric treatment and they are forcing me to work. They also got my family to be on their side and force me to. I'm frustrated so I texted my old therapists and I threatened to shoot myself and burn my house down and threatened to drink bleach and etc. and they all sent emergency services to me. I'm not intending to get them sent but the former therapists called on their own. People keep on telling me that I can get harassment charges filed against me. Why do they think that they can file harassment charges on me for continuing to text them threats ?? Why does everyone think that I will get in trouble for continuing to make threats ??


Blah, blah, blah.

Whine, whine, whine.

It has been lovely not having to read your pathological rants day after day.  Nobody misses you when you go away, and just like your empty threats to leave YA this story is just another fantasy.

They can file harassment charges if you continue to make threats.

Being autistic is not not get out jail free card and being an inept liar and troll is not a disability, jacob.


I also would like to add that grocery stores typically don't hire convicted felons, especially violent felons which in this case he falls under since a bomb threat conviction qualifies as a violent offense. So this could all be a bunch of BS coming from his mouth.

As far as I can remember, it was a gas station that he threatened last year which got him convicted. I believe it was an circle k from past posts of his.

The judge who gave him probation is a dumbass.

Kroger ? Is that the one at 10136 Two Notch Rd ? I'm going to check out if this story is even true. I'm gonna call and ask if KV is an employee there.


wait, didn't KV make numerous bomb threats against Kroger?

i saw this story in another section, it doesn't make sense...if a therapist sends EMS, you are going to the psych ward...a therapist word that you are a danger to yourself or others will get you locked up.

new job, what happened to McDs?


Well too bad. Everyone has to work. Life is not a free pass. You don't sit on your *** all day and expect to be paid. You seriously need to grow up and start working. With your attitude and lack of motivation to work, your going to end up homeless in the streets and begging for food. When that happens, all of your classmates from high school will be laughing at your poor arssse. They ain't going to feel sorry for you cause you have chosen your lifestyle.

Aren't you like 30 ?? Grow the **** up.

scott b2021-03-28T01:50:51Z

Enjoy prison. With your exceptional ethic, I'm sure you're heading there eventually...