Do you agree or disagree that $794 SSI check is NOT enough to live off of, every month?


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I too am on SSI it is NOT enough! It is BELOW poverty level!

David B2021-03-31T02:16:28Z

Sadly, some of those who are really able to support themselves would rather seek welfare money, in the form of SSI.
So, I would agree, but the freeloaders have made SSI a budget buster!!


Government cut off my career earning path


Learn to invest and grow it. The best way to do that is to get together with other people in a similar circumstance and pool your resources to give you a larger principal to invest while helping each other minimize expenses and maximize available resources through all possible networks of family, friends, Church, etc...

People foolishly 'go-it-alone' then expect government or public programs to carry the whole load for them while ignoring the fact that other people have worked hard and sacrificed to get you those resources and help you when you cannot work for yourself. 

The programs inevitably have a lot of waste and corruption inherent in them too which costs the public even more. Demanding more and more from the programs only makes this situation worse, especially when you are not doing all you can yourself to take full advantage of society's opportunities. 


It could be if your house is paid off, you have no car expenses and you’re conservative with your spending.

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