Why do theists lie saying there's evidence for their beliefs instead of they just saying the truth that they believe through faith?


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You are right. Every single person that says they know a god exists is a liar. These people can't be trusted in anything because in their heads they convert 'pretending to know something' to a proven fact, when of course it isn't.

There is a reason why its call faith and not fact.

There are a few honest ones that say they believe because of faith only. But they are rare.
Your question is good because it will bring out the lies Christians tell themselves.

Doug Catholic2021-03-29T04:45:47Z

Mainly because authentic Christianity is based on history, logic and rational thought, with only a tiny part based on faith. 


There’s more evidence for theists than there is for atheists;Because everyone that legally dies,& then gets revived back to life says there is an afterlife,with Heaven & Hell.

They’re fully conscience,they can feel pleasure & pain,& none of them report just 
stopping to exist.


That satisfies God, Heb. 11:6.


Because testimonial evidence is evidence.  Why do you lie and say there is not?

If you believe in evolution you must understand that is also taken on faith, since there is no evidence to prove its true.  If you think there is, you're only fooling yourself.

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