Atheists if you seen a ghost would you believe in god?


Favorite Answer

I doubt it.
What do you see,
as a connection,
between the two concepts?


John Popelish

VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps!2021-03-29T23:27:49Z

Just because I sense a ghost doesn't mean there is a god.

And yes, I did have a ghostly experience 11 years ago after my cat died. Her spirit kept coming to visit me until I adopted another cat. She saw I was in good paws, and she went to the Rainbow Bridge.

The logical part of me thinks that my "sensing" her running around my bed was akin to the phantom pain of a missing limb. I don't know. 

I believe it's possible that there are ghosts. Maybe they are manifestations of our emotions. 

I can't believe in a god.

Heidi Ho2021-03-29T01:02:44Z

No but I would make sure that I knew how to properly conjugate a verb.


No. I see ghosts all the time on "Ghost Adventures". Plus stuff like this is just creepy! The Ghost Monk of Newby Church.


If I saw a ghost I'd lay off the magic mushrooms for a month, bro.

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