A Supreme Court of right winged extremists and Moscow Mitch acknowledge that there was no fraud yet RepubliCONS still won't stop believing ?

Biden won legally. Get over it


No, there was lots of voter fraud. How can you send out 1.8 million mail-in ballots and yet count 2.5 million, for instance?

There are still lots of articles on the Internet even though many have been censored. Check the links here: http://2020Election.jottings.website


That's is NOT what the decision was. Shame on you.

The decision is that a case for fraud cannot be brought before a court without PROOF of any wrong doing. Just like the need for a writ of habeas corpus, there needs to be a body before you can charge anyone with election fraud.

When the Republicans (notice I didn't say "if") produce evidence of voter fraud, a court case can be filed and you will have eat a large portion of crow. (Yum, yum.)


Biden cheated!!! We all know it!!! Its the trueh I tell ya!!!!MAGA!!!....jk, lol


Viva Kamala and Joe


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