what should i do about my health situation?
I have had a back injury since october of 2019 that i got at work, i wake up one morning and have severe pain in my mid back, i tried everything from pain meds, to heat packs, PT and even a chiropractor, none of them worked, the chiropractor seemed to help a bit but nothing in the long wrong, my pain has only got worse or stayed the same a year and a half later, i dont have an actual doctor but a nurse practioner which is my regular PCP, she has been less then helpful and suggests it will eventually get better even tho it has not, anything that lasts 3 months or longer i heard is considered chronic, my problem is not bones its muscles, back pain is very tricky i hear, my chiropractor suggested i do x rays, ct scans and mris, my PCP is very skeptical of all that saying it is not nessessary, but we did x rays and it showed everything is fine with me, again xrays are for bones not muscles but she says ct scans and mris are very expensive, im even willing to pay 1 or 2 ground out of pocket if i have to at the hospital to do it since she says my insurance may not cover it or its not important enough to her, i really believe the ct scans and mris will show something, i believe my muscles are either dislocated or torn totally, i know something is wrong and its been this way for over a year now, should i just pony up the dough and pay out of pocket? i have medicaid but that is all