what should i do about my health situation?

I have had a back injury since october of 2019 that i got at work, i wake up one morning and have severe pain in my mid back, i tried everything from pain meds, to heat packs, PT and even a chiropractor, none of them worked, the chiropractor seemed to help a bit but nothing in the long wrong, my pain has only got worse or stayed the same a year and a half later, i dont have an actual doctor but a nurse practioner which is my regular PCP, she has been less then helpful and suggests it will eventually get better even tho it has not, anything that lasts 3 months or longer i heard is considered chronic, my problem is not bones its muscles, back pain is very tricky i hear, my chiropractor suggested i do x rays, ct scans and mris, my PCP is very skeptical of all that saying it is not nessessary, but we did x rays and it showed everything is fine with me, again xrays are for bones not muscles but she says ct scans and mris are very expensive, im even willing to pay 1 or 2 ground out of pocket if i have to at the hospital to do it since she says my insurance may not cover it or its not important enough to her, i really believe the ct scans and mris will show something, i believe my muscles are either dislocated or torn totally, i know something is wrong and its been this way for over a year now, should i just pony up the dough and pay out of pocket? i have medicaid but that is all


Get your PCP to refer you to a specialist.  I have a nurse-practitioner, too, and she certainly wouldn't let this go on so long.  She's also not skeptical of tests.  They are intended to find out what's wrong.

CT scans and MRIs are normally covered by medical insurance, though there will probably be a deductible and some out-of-pocket expenses.

You really need a new PCP.  You also need to see an orthopedist.  Ask for a referral to one.


just wear a orthopedic corset waist belt
all day and take it off at night
Also you may try chinese accupuncture


You  should see an orthopedic doctor that specializes in spinal injuries.  They can recommend the appropriate diagnostic tests.  There may be a better chance of getting insurance coverage if a specialist can diagnose the problem. 

David B2021-03-31T17:50:16Z

After working with a spine surgeon, I can tell you what I learned after seeing hundreds of patients with back pain.
Nerve pain causes leg, or arm pain, if it is from the nerves of the neck.
Those with all back pain usually have degenerative disc disease, wear and tear, dehydration of the discs, wear and tear of the facet joints. More common in smokers!
This is not helped with surgery!  Read about "failed back syndrome".

Many/most providers do not have a clue on how to examine a back/neck and look for signs of nerve dysfunction. Were you ever examined? Reflexes, strength, sensation, point tenderness, provocative tests??  My guess would be no.
NSAID's, physical therapy, rest and time will occupy most patients time, until they get fed up and seek a provider who will sort things out, educate them and set realistic expectations.
An MRI, or CT scan will not show "Pain".


I would encourage you to try acupuncture. It may even be covered by your insurance. I would also make an appointment to see an orthopedic surgeon or a neurosurgeon. Chances are if they felt an MRI was necessary, your insurance would cover it, but I would certainly ask their staff to doublecheck or call the insurance company yourself.