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When to go to the e.r?

I've been having slightly bloody stools for a month. Less than a week ago it started to become painful and now I get somewhat severe pain for 15 minutes or so at random under my right ribcage. It comes and goes and I was told to see an e.r if it became worse but I don't want to go without a good enough reason and I don't want to walk in there and not have a good enough reason. What do I do? 

Updated 7 days ago:

I was told by my doctor to go to the e.r if the pain worsens and I've been under his care through this entire ordeal. I'm just worried that I walk in there and don't end up having any more pain 

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    3 days ago

    This is not a life-threatening emergency.  However, your doctor needs to be doing tests.  Has he done ANY?

    Get him to test your stools and everything else.  You need imaging tests, blood tests, you name it.  You may need to see a specialist.

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    Under a doctor's care FOR WHAT? You don't even say what the diagnosis is. The ER is for life-threatening emergencies. They will not give you pain killers or treatment for a chronic condition. Call your doctor.

  • 7 days ago

    Call your doctor. If he is unavailable, go to the E.R. The E.R. people can still check you up even if the pain disappears

    Source(s): .
  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    7 days ago

    You contact your normal Doctor. ER is for emergencies only.

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  • 7 days ago

    Symptoms for a month do not need care in an ER. Your family provider should be involved. If you have no provider, it is high time to get to know one who can help you thru this episode and help you keep yourself healthy.

    If your provider will not see you, you might consider a different provider. An ER visit for vague abdominal pain will end up costing you $4000 to $6000.

    You DO pay your own bills don't you??  You would not just leave it to the tax paying public like so many others!

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