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Anonymous asked in HealthGeneral Health CarePain & Pain Management · 1 day ago

I keep getting headaches every day and being sick ?

I’m 30, female, and generally fit and well besides some low iron which I’m on tablets for. Since 10 days ago I woke up with a head ache, I slept on and off all day and it was gone that evening. The next morning it was back when I woke up and I vomited twice and the head ache lasted a good few hours again. Every single day it’s back and I’m either feeling or being sick. Iv tried to contact my doctor but they won’t see me until it’s happened for 14 consecutive days and I’m on day 10. Iv never had headaches before except the odd one but never ever like this. Of course I googled and it’s saying I have a brain tumour which I’m sure I don’t! What else could cause daily headaches with vomiting? I doubt it’s a bug as nobody else I live with is poorly 

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    18 hours ago

    are you on birth control pills?

  • 1 day ago

    I had a similar problem about a year ago. I had headaches everyday for a month and they wouldn’t go away no matter what I tried. Eventually I went to a doctor and they told me it was tension headaches caused completely by stress, I was put on antidepressants and boom I was completely fine again. 

  • night
    Lv 6
    1 day ago

    Being dehydrated can cause headaches, and vomiting can lead to dehydration. Those also could be Covid-19 or concussion symptoms. I hope you get to see a doctor soon; I don't understand why they are making you wait. 

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