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Anonymous asked in HealthGeneral Health CarePain & Pain Management · 2 weeks ago

I'm 19.I've been experiencing headaches/Migraines for 6 years. Brain CT came back clear but my migraines pain is increasing. ?

Hi, I'm 19 years old and I've been experiencing headaches/Migraines for 6 years. The doctors said it was school stress but I matriculated in 2019 and haven't had any stress related problems. I did a Brain CT and it came back clear. The Doctors gave me Amitriptyline HCI 10mg, Ibuprofen 200mg and Adco Napamol for the pain. I'm still getting these headaches and the pain is increasing everytime I get them. I also am Nauseous, can't focus and sometimes the pain is too strong that I can't sleep most times.

8 Answers

  • 6 days ago

    My reason: Your either stressed or you have a headache what i will do is talk to your doctor or get some medicene.

  • 1 week ago

    maybe see a specialist.

  • 1 week ago

    the reason could be 2 things - 

    It could be due to the hormonal changes in your body. 

    Certain foods, drinks, and smells may trigger migraines. So you need to find out what is causing your headache and get it treated. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    I was also experiencing the same. Now I came out from that.

    Very Important thing is You have to get good sleep at least for month and Avoid to drinking coffee and Spicy & masala food for 3 months.

    Automatically it will come down dont think too much and get stressed. Eat health foods and fruits it will help much.

    Get well Soon dear. Take care  

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    My aunt was like that she had terrible migraines I don't know how she did it but she did. 

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Botox has been used here in the UK by Neurologists. It seems to work.

    Our Doctors also prescribe Triptans. (look it up), you are not being prescribed any migraine drugs.

    Change your Doctor.

  • 2 weeks ago

    I still get them -- more than 60 years after the first one!

    Find the trigger for yours. It can be almost anything Some people react to chocolate; others to cheese; others to sugar or sugar substitutes. Just watch for when they are about to start, and then do the right exercises.

    For me, the primary trigger is/was fluorescent lights or Apple computers. And some stores were almost immediate triggers, but usually, I'd take a few weeks of exposure to be prone to the attacks. And I'd be unable to work for at least a day and up to a week, if the thing went all the way. I'd get what I called the "jaggies" -- a kind of halo with a zigzagged circle -- as a warning. When they appeared, I'd hide in a darkish room, keep warm (hands and feet tended to get very cold) and do yoga breathing exercises. If I caught the jaggies and the cold extremities in time, I could dodge the bad part. Not always, but I could delay the cycle or even skip a month until the next one started.

    None of the prescribed medicines worked, but the yoga breathing and hand/foot massages made the migraines almost manageable.

    Oh, and stress isn't usually a cause, but it can exacerbate the frequency of the migraines and make them worse than they might be.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Have you considered your diet?

    - unprocessed foods?

    - gluten?

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