I have had a raised mole on my back for many years, it is raised and it always itches, pea size, and sometimes scabs ,could be cancer? ?

I  scratched it, and a scab came off the top, ?! :(  I can't really reach it nor see it, which sucks.


It has no characteristics of cancer at this time.  It looks like it could be a cherry angioma, which has no risk of becoming cancerous.  But if its not a cherry angioma, then maybe there's a risk of it becoming cancerous.  Since it itches, it might be a good idea to see a doc to have it removed and biopsied if warranted. 


Anytime a mole is large, raised and in an area where it gets irritated by movement or clothing (ie; your bra), it should be removed. Those can develop into cancer, so go get it excised.


Have a dc take a look, I have three different types of crap on my back that are not, the cancer I need to worry about. But they still need to be monitored by my doc and such and indicate that I am at higher risk, for the bad stuff. They two on occasion itch and flake and such.


maybe you should have a doctor look at it