Why won't the sheriff and PD lock up a self proclaimed terrorist?

KV has made numerous threats of violence over the course of the few months and nothing has happened to him. He continues to post more threats and has made some very violent threats within the past few weeks. I thought they would do something as he is probation and that these threats would be a violation of his probation.


Your the imposter who has been posing as him for months. I don't believe any of these new posts are his. Some people on here are just so gullible and they believe it is him.


Some of the posts are KV, there was one with a video from his Ring...so it was either KV or someone who has access to his Ring feed.

how do I know you are not KV, unless you ID yourself and have an account that is in regular use on here, you could be KV himself.

some of the things he claims he did have been verified, but the threats he made on here alone would have gotten anyone else locked up.

someone once suggested that KV was actually a victim, that someone was pretending to be him making the threats...if that were the case, the imposter would be in jail.

I did verify his name and that he does in fact have a charge for a bomb threat in richland county.  a few Ring videos have been posted of his house...

i think the site mylife brings up criminal records...if anyone is interested enough to pay for it, supposedly there are more charges,but only 1 has been publicly posted by authorities..

we don't know that he is on probation for sure.