Isn't it great that women can use the men's room and men can use the ladies room? Very modern and progressive, right? ?

Except for... when you see a couple of greaseballs follow your daughter into the ladies room. That thought is enough to turn a 
Democrat into a Republican real fast.

Leafsfan29-Embrace the drought!2021-04-02T04:25:18Z

Except that the 'greaseballs' (your term) aren't Transgender, which is what this is about. Transgender/non-binary people make up around 1-2% of the population. I'll wait for you to find cases where Transgender people did this thing you're describing...since you didn't find any cases, let me continue.

People who are transgender are significantly more likely to be victims of sexual abuse (overwhelmingly by CIS men), be homeless (and preyed upon by still more CIS men), as well as be a victim of discrimination in the workplace and in trying to find housing. They just want a safe place to use the bathroom for the same reason anyone does; a place to relieve themselves via urination/defecation.
But, you do you.


If you say or do anything about it you are racist and will be prosecuted for a hate crime, they thought this one out.

Andrew Smith2021-04-02T01:05:27Z

More and more we are eliminating sex based ROOMS and simply having unisex cubicles available to all.  Which eliminates a lot of the risk of having a private space in which people might lurk.  There are always problems but why don't we work to lessen those problems.


Goddamn snowflake Democrats are ruining our country.