Why has dating become so unappealing and complicated since I was a teenager.?

Im 37 and I have tried dating some 20something year olds and they were just so uninteresting, they were too connected to their phone, didn't really have any social skills, they were far more interested in the media (tv shows and really bad music) than talking about things like what they wanted in a relationship and deep conversation. They expected me to be a source of cash and were just so shallow and vapid. I actually wanted to bail on one because she was just so goddamn boring. Maybe my generation actually had social skills and not social media skills (it didnt really exist). I found i'm a much better conversationalist than people in the 20's range. Its just why are the things I was taught are now seen as wrong. Theres so many stupid labels and terms these days that I feel are doing nothing but harm. I knew football players in high school who would now been seen as "beta males" and not "dating material". The dating world sucks these days. 
