To the Biden supporters, can you now admit that Biden's border policy is one GIANT major fuuck up?


The only f*ck up on the border belongs to the racist, amoral piece of white supremacist Garbage that you and the rest of your party of pig-f*cking Traitors put into power.

The border fence isn't stopping anyone, and his racist policies were only ever a stop gap measure. Trump didn't fix the border, he tossed morality aside to shut it down, and stole children from their parents in the process.

Biden is doing the best he can with a situation that's been left to deteriorate even Faster over the past four years. That's what happens when you IGNORE a problem, CHUD.


The entire Harris administration is one giant clusterfuck.
@ Kevin! The Harris administration won’t buy them tents so they can't set up tents. Harris is buying them $400.00 a night 5 star hotel rooms instead.


They won't admit anything, until the illegals pitch tents in their backyards.  


I think social media is behind it and the DNC gets huge contributions from social media. My commie daughter says it's all about control.