Should Friday's attack on the Capitol be considered terrorism?  Why or why not?


Interesting to notice that people often project those they disagree with as having terrorist motives if they do evil...those who held views similar to theirs who commit evil acts are just "mentally ill"....


No political demands were made/implied, so no


No.  His motivation was not political.  His motivation was mental illness.
Trump supporters are the ones who routinely engage in terrorism.
Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.

Ogres are like Onions2021-04-03T16:30:26Z

Terrorism is the use of violence or intimidation to achieve political goals. (See BLM and Antifa)  The exact motives of this attack aren’t known yet.  If they are political?  Then it would be terrorism.

I also find it interesting that a black man who follows Nation of Islam, black nationalists and Louis Farrakhan is being given “mental illness victim” cover by the media and leftists.
Had the demographics been different, so would their responses.


From what I heard, it was just another religious nutjob, muslim this time, who had mental issues.

But hey, since it's D.C. this time the lunatic didn't have an automatic weapon to use on our police officers. So that's something. Thanks, D.C. gun laws. Once again you keep the body count on the low side.


This is what happens when you put a weak president 

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