What can I do to slim down and get rounder bootycheeks?
I can barely stand after work everyday so working out is hard, especially cardio and workouts on my feet (which is what you mainly do to lose weight) Can anyone help me figure it out? I’ve tried almost everything. I’m 5’3 and 160 lbs. I have more square hips and cheeks, and it looks like a slight beer belly without me drinking alch ever.
Weight loss is 80% diet. If you lose 30 pounds of fat, you may discover that you have a great booty.
Weight loss requires being in a calorie deficit. A good goal is consume 500-1000 calories a day less than you use. If you have a physical job, you can consume more than if your job is sedentary. The best way to do this is to use a food tracking app like Lose it or MyFitnessPal (there are others too), and weight and measure your portions so you have an accurate picture of what you consume.
Focus on fresh veggies and protein. Get some healthy fats from foods like olive oil and avocado. Cut WAY BACK on grains, processed foods, dairy, fruit juice, and any sweetener other than stevia or monk fruit. Veggies will give you nutrients and keep you full for very few calories. Start with 1200 calories a day and see how it goes. Adjust based on your activity level. Drink lots of water. Enjoy coffee and tea (regular or decaf).
Get plenty of sleep. Start your day with 5-10 minutes of stretching or yoga and do the same when you get home for m work. This may help with your pain and exhaustion. In a couple of months, when you're down 10+ pounds, you may discover that you can start to incorporate exercise. Consider swimming and or spin classes/bike riding.
As a last thought, have your feet checked and look into getting better shoes and or orthotics if your feet, legs, and back ache.
You can work out before going to work. Also, you may be able to get some exercise at work - take stairs instead of the elevator, or go for a walk over lunch. It's not much, but it will get you moving and may even provide some energy.
What you can do is eat only whole foods and drink only water, unsweetened teas and unflavored milk.
I can explain the biochemistry behind this, but I doubt you'd follow, but it all comes down to returning to the human diet and stop the Western diet from killing you.