Do you view Jehovah's Witnesses as a cult?
They don't make you drink cool-aid or anything but I was affiliated with them since birth, I'm now 45 and they stole my parents from me about 30 years ago. So yeah.
They don't make you drink cool-aid or anything but I was affiliated with them since birth, I'm now 45 and they stole my parents from me about 30 years ago. So yeah.
No, not really, but as you point out they try to destroy families.
I just love one sided arguments.
'Jehovah's Witnesses stole my parents' sounds terrible and will get the emotional response you desire to upbuild your actions.
I would love to hear what your parents have to say about this.
I would guess, 'The world stole our son from us'.
I would guess, that around the age of 15, you left your parents to become part of the world.
I would guess you, unlike Moses, was seduced by the pleasures of this world.
(Hebrews 11:25) “25 choosing to be mistreated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin,”
In answer to your question 'Do I view Jehovah's Witnesses as a cult?'
No, they are true Christians striving to live by godly standards in all facets of their lives.
No, they follow Christ in all the things Jesus has commanded us.
Your Word is a light to my roadway
No, they are true Christians, living their lives according to the Bible, the word of God. Because Christendom has strayed so far from the teachings of God they think true Christians are a cult. Soon, they will learn the truth but only too late.
All religions are cults.
Its a particularly nasty sect of the cult of Christianity.
Religious child indoctrination is a form of abuse and should be outlawed.