Infection in my left eye?

I went to the eye doctor Thursday to get a vision test. They told me I needed glasses and I asked them if I can also have contacts. They gave me a trial pair of contacts with my prescription. I also ordered regular glasses. That same day they taught me how to put in contacts. I wore the contacts the whole day. I took them out at night. The next day my left eye was sore and was erritated. I didn't put in contacts that day because of that. Its now Sunday my left eye is swollen I woke up to my lid crusted shut with what seemed to be puss and my lid is swollen and eye red. Should I go to the hospital after my Easter celebration or wait till Monday to go to that eye doctor. 


Sounds like pink eye.
Yes you need to see a doctor and they will likely write you a prescription for Polymyxin B-TMP eye drops