How many gods did Paul believe exists?

NASB: 1Co 8:5 For even if there are so-called gods whether in heaven or on earth, as indeed there are many gods and many lords,

Paul says there are 'so-called gods [false gods]' and then states there are actually many [real] gods'

In verse 6 he contrasts those [real] gods from the only true God, the Father.

So how many gods did Paul believe exists?

Psalms 82:6 I [God] said, "You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High. 


An infinite number, one God per universe.  For us in this universe, there is only one God, the Father, according to St. Paul.  Jesus is only one of the Lords, or lesser divine beings.  The Holy Ghost is only a ministering spirit.  Nowhere in the Bible is he called a god.


Paul was both a Jew and a Roman Citizen, so he acknowledged both the Jewish God and a whole bunch or pagan gods as well..


Lowercase "g" gods can be translated as divinities or authorities. The evil divinities are always called "demons", the benevolent ones are usually called "angels". The former act on the behalf of Satan/Great Dragon, the latter usually act on the behalf of God. It is said that there are multitudes of angels in heaven, so it can be assumed there are proportionately as many demons (at the time of the fall, Satan is said to have swayed 1/3rd of the heavenly host to his side).


One.  Paul believed the Triune God, and ONLY the Triune God--Father, Son and Holy Spirit--exists independent of human imagination.  And of course Paul was correct.


" that time the Israelites worshipped him [Yahweh] alongside a variety of Canaanite gods and goddesses, including El, Asherah and Baal, but in later centuries El and Yahweh became conflated..." (Wikipedia).

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