Why do I feel less sympathy when a police officer or federal agent gets murdered ?

I hate Feds so much. CIA, FBI, doesn’t matter. I would rather they die than a plumber or a trucker or a grocery store worker 


If you have ever listened to how a police officer or a sheriff officer talks. You will know that they don't give a darn about anybody that doesn't have a badge.

They have powerful guns powerful vehicles and a big legal mob standing behind them.

They truly enjoy the power of being able to shoot you down or beat the crap out of you or put you in jail and you're absolutely powerless to do anything about it.

Not Applicable2021-04-04T18:44:11Z

It's bad when anyone dies by violence. I suspect law enforcement is realizing they have a serious public relations problem due in large part from video footage of police abuses. It's not because those things never happened before, but with cell cameras and body cameras, it's hard to say it didn't happen or spin it positively towards the police. 


Maybe it is because you are some kind of sociopath?


Media brain washing.

How about innocent mums butchered by inadequates?


Why no riots?

Socialist Feminist2021-04-04T18:31:10Z

Cops abuse their authority.  Defund the police.

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