Tax stimulus ?

Okay yall so my friends cousin who lives in mexico was born here in the united states. She said that her cousin has never never worked here in the US. He came last month worked for 2 weeks at mcd then left back to Mexico. He worked for 2 weeks! And he claims he filed his taxes with his paystubs. And now he received 2 $1400 stimulus checks to his bank account. Makes no sense he randomly “filed” his 2020 taxes with no W2 and no work in 2020 And received his stimulus checks in Mexico where he currently lives. Im just trying to figure this out because i didn't get one still and he magically gets one instantly. Someone explain. 


It sounds like this person is a US citizen. Just as non-citizens living in the US did not get stimulus checks, US citizens living elsewhere did.
He got all three stimulus checks at once instead of having gotten them spread over the past year because he hasn't been filing US tax returns. This is a different problem - as long as he remains a citizen he is supposed to pay US taxes even though his income is from outside the US. Now that the IRS knows where he lives, he might find himself in a lot of trouble.

A Hunch2021-04-05T16:26:44Z

If you want to be berate about the stimulus how about being berate about the multiple stimulus payments that are being made to dependents.

If an individual was claimed in 2018 or 2019, their parent received the stimulus money for them.
If that same individual filed independent on their 2020 taxes and filed that they had not received the stimulus payment = VOILA they get the money.

If a child has parents who filed separately in 2018 or 2019, the parent that claimed them during that period received the stimulus.
If the other parent claims them in 2020 and says they haven't received the stimulus payments = VOILA they get the money.

and the IRS is not trying to collect the money back.

Your friend's cousin is a US citizen and is eligible for the stimulus.  There is NOTHING in the laws that says the citizen has to be residing in the USA.  He did not receive two $1400 stimulus payments because there aren't two $1400 stimulus payments.
- he received 3 stimulus payments one for $1200, one for $600, and one for $1400 (if he was eligible for all).
** And by the way = US Citizens pay taxes on WORLDWIDE INCOME so unless he only worked at McDs for 2 weeks, he filed US taxes on any income he earned in Mexico. 

The Oracle of Omigod2021-04-05T15:43:17Z

Is this a great country or what?  The current administration appears to be throwing money around like a drunken sailor without regard to looking where it is going or on what grounds.  I don't know about your case.  The government may not have gotten a check from you so doesn't know of your bank account numbers.  


He's probably lying.