Joe Biden, center or right wing?

I will not take leftist for an answer because any minor knowledge of leftist viewpoints points to him being so far removed from any left wing ideology that it basically becomes a game of "how far right is he"

YB Logical2021-04-05T12:10:07Z

Unfortunately, as the left lurches further left, the center is dragged further left.
Biden is a leftist, who is portrayed as a centralist for the purpose of dragging the center more left.


we don't know who is calling the shots, kamala is not smart enough...her skills run deeper...


Joe Biden campaigned as a moderate but is governing even further left than Obama.


You are dead wrong.  Biden is being led around by the nose by liberals/socialists.

Davie Bwoi2021-04-05T12:00:10Z

Far far left bordering on full blown fascism. 

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