Where will RepubliCONS go to bully people and spread lies once YA shuts down? Reddit?
@Your Media Lies to You, wrong. RepubliCONS bully people just for the color of their skin or their sexual orientation or their religion. They're fueled by hate
@Your Media Lies to You, wrong. RepubliCONS bully people just for the color of their skin or their sexual orientation or their religion. They're fueled by hate
Go to Quora not Reddit
See summertime. One of the the big gest reporters here
Your Media Lies To You
The entire left wing platform is bullying people who disagree with them. So YOU defending it means YOU are the real bully here.
They always have a place to run to. Its getting thin though.
Facebook is a great place but I'm always in facebook jail. You are lying about us right now stupid.