There is no site like Yahoo Answers that I have found in all the years there's been an internet. YA has the uniqueness of live interaction ( or almost live ) with no moderator. People could discuss what they wanted, but that ended up being a two edged sword that has caused it's downfall.
The problem with all other religious sites is that they are over-moderated with a "boss" who is apt ban anybody and everybody who doesn't quite have the "correct" theology, or says anything they don't agree with, so they end up being silos and sounding boards for that particular theology and no unique ideas or differing theologies are ever exchanged.
@Green Puffin...thanks, neighbor. Good answer too.
There is and its linked site, But be warned; if you don’t know the meaning of ‘hermeneutics’ you will be lost before you begin. These are NOT debate forums, but for a person to ask a question (either about Christianity or biblical hermeneutics) and then anyone can post their answer. Unlike Y/A, questions that are not precise and that do not show some evidence of research, will not be accepted. Duplicate questions are also flagged up and not accepted either. So, you have to think long and hard about any question you want to post. Nor does it accept partisan questions and answers. Nobody is allowed to promote a particular religious view or biblical interpretation – but if you have scholarly and/or biblical support for your answer, that’s fine. Just be careful to present logical facts without being insulting or showing ignorance.
That means that most of the participants on Y/A will not even want to go to those two sites! Many would be shot down in (symbolic) flames at their first posts. Be warned. Those sites are for people with genuine questions to ask, who will consider answers from a specified range of people, but without getting involved in arguments with them! There is scope for a few comments, and there is a discussion page, however.
It’s just a pity Y/A was so lax (and sometimes to prejudiced) in its moderation of its R&S site that it degenerated to the extent it has. No such problems with Stack Exchange.
I have many things to do, and some I really ought to work on now. Forums like Y!A can become habit forming; sure in many ways interesting but at times a real waste of time. I might check around and maybe post on other forums, but not as often as I did on Y!A.
Perhaps I might bump into some of you again. Until then,thanks to all friend and foe; well we were not really foes, as without all the different personalities there would not have been as much fun. All the best to all, and thanks and maybe we will meet again. Be good to yourselves.
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For the same level of intelligence this site has offered over the years I will be consulting the dumpster rats behind my local wendy's