Anyone else glad that the once useful Yahoo Answers is leaving for good?


I'm sure some don't care. Some do care. Answers to such questions are meaningless. 


no, hopefully this is just an april fools joke

Variable 462021-04-05T18:25:12Z

No, I'm kind of sad, actually.  I've been here since 2008 and enjoyed Y!A's peak period of 2009 to 2013.  But it has definitely been in a slide since 2014 and the end was inevitable.

It's too bad.  Under better management it could have endured for much longer.

A.C. 007 the Panther2021-04-05T18:23:00Z

No, not really. I really loved Yahoo Answers I can answer the questions and ask fun and knowledge question at the same time. I been there since 2008.

Mama Kimama2021-04-05T18:13:40Z

No, not at all.   I loved YA.   I don't know where I can go now that would be even remotely as good.