Is it me or is it her ? What should I do about it ?

Is it me or is it her that is causing the issues? My family has been living with our family friend for 6 years now and I have a really close bond with her oldest son 13 years old she always has some sort of issue with everything I do I went for a scooter ride with both of her kids and her oldest told me that his mom made him text me saying he doesn’t want me to be mean to his mom he doesn’t like it but she made him say it he didn’t wanna say it and i text his mom and said I know it’s you making him say it and she started a huge fight over it I made the mistake of moving back in with her after moving out for 4 month with my family my mom always takes her side before her own son it’s really pissing me off I don’t know what else to do if anyone can help me figure out what to do please message me thanks 


If you moved out once you can do it again. Can't believe this mother allowed you back into her children's lives with the forced familial intimacy you keep trying to push onto these people. 


You're still obsessing over this?  I thought you were having trouble relating to the thirteen-year old?  If your family has really been living there for six years, it's time to move out.


Your family has been living with a family friend for six years?  Interesting.  Fish and company begin to smell after 3 days.  I can only imagine what the household is like.  Sorry, I can't message you.  Is that part of the problem, you don't understand how the internet works?

Judy and Charlie2021-04-06T01:38:50Z

I see what is going on here.

What you need to do is step up and take her aside to talk one on one with her.
Go over recent events and make sure she understands what you want to talk about.  Then ask her:  "IS THERE A PROBLEM WITH ME STAYING HERE?"

Ask her what she needs from you and what is going on.
Tell her that you have a close bond with her 13 year old son and you admire the boy she has raised.  But somehow, she is coming between you...why?

You can ask her out for coffee or ice cream but MAKE SURE YOU TALK TO HER ALONE behind closed doors.  Listen to what she has to say.  Be respectful but STAY ON TOPIC.  There has been a problem since you have returned and you need to find out what it is.


maybe you should talk to them about it