why do Americans still have a big problem with homeless people and drug addiction, while the wealthy elites get tax cuts?

Mystical Dog2021-04-06T23:26:34Z

Cause the gop doesnt view necessities like housing as human rights lol


This is because money controls the world people that have no money they aren't the slightest bit of concern to the government or to the rich people except to get whatever money that they can possibly squeeze out of the lower class people so that they can put it into their own pockets. And the drugs are left in place so that there is always something to accelerate to death of the very poor people to get them out of the way it's about getting your money and then killing you is quickly as it can possibly happen.


same reason why rehab centers across America are full of people struggling to walk and perform basic motor functions while the elite athletes are not only able to perform amazing physical feats, but also get paid millions for it...

according to that 'science' thing you kids love to worship, that's simple reality..... and you don't help the one by crippling the other....